Thames Vintage Boat Club
was founded at Old Windsor in March 1983 to provide a
club and forum for all types of traditionally built
craft; to seek to encourage their restoration,
maintenance, and above all, their use, and also to
produce and maintain an historical record of all
traditional craft on the river Thames.
If you love
boats such as those shown above, you should be a
member! (See below for link to Membership Application
Now in our fifth decade, we can look back on
a remarkable success in our aims over the past years.
We have around 300 members (and growing) and our boat
membership is around 250, amongst which will be found
the finest builds and restorations anywhere (some of
our boats are shown above, together with photos from
many of our club functions over the years). Our
members include most of the reputable boat builders on
the upper Thames, noted experts on engines, design,
boat types and history, and many gifted amateurs.
We provide a very lively social calendar both on and
off the water, and a friendly environment for all,
from the interested to the enthusiast and from
individuals to families. Our club burgee,
boaters, sweatshirts and badges are distinctive and a
familiar sight on the river Thames.
We also have one
of the lowest annual subscriptions of any boating
club. If you have a real interest in traditional
boats, or just like being around them, you will find a
welcome with the TVBC. Speak to any of our members
flying the TVBC burgee (buff and brown with our logo),
and they will be pleased to meet and inform you.
Alternatively call or email any of our
Honorary Secretary or Membership Officers listed below and they will be
very happy to help you. Here is a link to the
TVBC Membership Application Form
Origins of the Club
1983 The
Thames Vintage Boat Club had its genesis at
Wilson's Boat-yard, 
Sunbury, early in 1983, where Paul Skerritt
and Mike Ayling were working on Paul's boat 'Knave
of Hearts'. They were discussing the idea of
forming a club when Robin Newlands happened to
pass by. The discussion continued, but it was not
until the end of the year that things started to
happen. Paul Skerritt, who was involved with the
Vintage Motorboat Club of Great Britain, called at
Robin's house to suggest the setting up of a
Thames branch. But Robin, who had collected the
names and addresses of 80 or 90 traditional boats
for the Thames Traditional Boat Rally, was
determined that any new club should be a Thames
club in its own right. The first real meeting was
on December 30, when five people - Roger Browne,
Robin Newlands, Martine Bailey, John Hone and
Peter Skerritt - agreed that those present,
together with Kit Cuthbert, Mike Ayling and Frank
Bandey, would be known as the founders. The
purpose and principles of the Club were discussed
and a constitution based on that of the RYA was
(Photo: Robin Newlands -
Founder - receiving an award for 30 yrs of
service in 2019)
1984 A second meeting was held on January 20,
1984, at which Robin was designated Commodore. It
was agreed that a newsletter called 'The Boater'
should be issued bi-monthly. Recruitment of
founder members began in order to raise funds to
pay for flags, plaques and regalia. An advert was
placed in boating magazines asking for a forty
pound subscription. Among those who responded were
Tony and Sandra Sanders. Sandra recalls that after
paying the money she heard nothing for a few weeks
and when she rang Mike was told "we haven't got
started yet." A meeting was held at the Sanders'
house and a list of about 70 people who had
responded to the advert was drawn up. On
June 4, 1984, the inaugural meeting was
held at the Quarter Deck Club attached to John
Crevald's Boatyard at Windsor. The
first boat to join the TVBC was 'Wise Folly',
owned by Robin Newlands, a 28ft 6in Budden and
Hart-built gentleman's launch of 1915, which
originally belonged to the owner of the Elephant
and Castle. She has the plaque TVET01. (She
underwent a major restoration very recently at
Dennett's boatyard and currently looks
Wise Folly in the early 1980s with Robin and his
family on board)
Aims of the Club
1 Encourage the restoration and
preservation of vintage craft. 2 Collate such
information as is necessary to compile a detailed register
of boats as an historical record. (Now digitized). 3 Encourage and facilitate the exchange of information
between owners.
4 Provide a members’ club which will further and widen the
interests and participation of people in all aspects of
traditional boating.
How To Join
You can now join the
club online using the Application
All instructions are on the form. You will
need to attach a good quality up-to-date photo
of your boat (if you have a qualifying boat) in the highest
resolution possible as a JPG file.
If you have any problems
please contact our Membership Officer: Theresa Scrutton at:
or by phone on 08454 672428,
If you do
not own a vintage or traditional boat you are
still welcome to join using the same procedure
and become an Associate Member,
receive the magazine, and attend all club
Our annual subscription fees are some of
the lowest of any club: £30 for Full
Membership and only £20 for Associate
Membership. If your application is accepted
you will be sent a Welcome Pack with all
necessary details, your membership number,
copies of our magazine 'The Boater' and for
Full members an enamelled plaque for your boat.
TVBC Facebook Page
Our Facebook Page is a
relatively new addition, but is proving
very popular. It is a "closed group" but
you are welcome to visit it, and it is
easy to apply for entry
to the group. If you scroll down the
many earlier entries of photos and
postings, you will find a treasure-trove
of boating facts and history. Also if
you need help or advice regarding
your boat or your boating, then this is
the place to go. We encourage everyone
to post anything of interest to the
community! Go to
TVBC Facebook Page
Boater Magazine
Our magazine
Boater , mailed free to members
three times yearly, keeps us all in
touch and is much admired, with club
news, technical and historic articles,
colour photos and much more. Every
member of the club is encouraged to
contribute articles or other content
for "The Boater", so bearing in mind
the wealth of talent and experience in
boat building and restoration, plus
cruising both rivers and seas, that
exists within our membership, "The
Boater" magazine is a very good read.
A selection of articles is on this
site for you to enjoy - see Navigation
Bar above. NEW:
Download a recent issue in full, in
PDF format HERE
Waterside Events
Each year large
numbers of our boats gather at
the TTBR Traditional Boat
Festival (previously titled the Thames
Traditional Boat Rally) for a
magnificent club display in the
sail-pasts. Those interested in the
club should visit our TVBC stand, and
relax whilst learning more about us,
and view the large photographic
display of our activities and our
members' craft. If you wish, you can
apply for membership there and
then. (Trad Boat Festival
web site: www.tradboatfestival.com
We hold several full Club Rallies on the upper Thames each year;
(See full photo coverage in our
Album page on the menu bar) the first
at Hedsor Water, beside Cookham Lock,
at the beginning of June , the second at
Hurley Lock in July, then the third at
Hedsor Water during the weekdays following
on from the TTBR, then the fourth at
Boveney Lock at the end of
August. Our Club
Calendar page gives
details of these and other activities.
Feel free to write to the Hon. Secretary for
more details.
To Access the
TVBC Database of Traditional Boats
To access the new
database containing details of all TVBC
Boats you must be a paid-up TVBC Member.
Please email the club secretary
honsec@thamesvintageboatclub.com and you will
be sent a password. Many boats
have large photos, and we are working to
eventually have photos for all. NOTE:
Members' details are not available due
to new data protection regulations.